Concert personal review: The National (school assignment)

Finally I was going to see them perform: The National. One of my favourite bands, I could listen to them for hours. The Heineken Music Hall was sold out, so my expectations were high. The National plays beautiful songs that contain a lot of emotion. I noticed that I, and the rest of the audience, was curious to the live versions of their songs. I knew I was not going to walk out without a smile on my face. It was an intense, beautiful, sad, but everything I hoped for.

The setlist contained 24 songs, 10 of which were from their new album: Trouble will find me. Their opening songs I Should Live In Salt and Don’t Swallow The Cap were both brilliant. Unfortunately the acoustics weren’t always that good in the HMH. The fast sounds that are being flung in the room and the ‘plop’ sounds of singer Matt Berningers weren’t very good for our ears.

The audience was a bit more familiar with their older songs. The first part of the concert, in which they only played of their album: Trouble find me was a bit quiet. You could see that they were taking the lyrics. The best part of the night, in my opinion, was in the first part of their concert when they played Don’t Swallow the Cap, a faster song which the audience could dance and sing along to. The audience came to life when the band played an older album from 2010: High Violet. Anyone’s Ghost sounded really good, enhanced by the stunning visuals that were projected behind the band. The best part of the second part of the show was, in my opinion, Slow show. In this song they traded the rough sounds for a more composed style that really makes the band shine just a little bit more.

One of the small complaints I had are that the more intimate song of The National would’ve been better had they been played in a smaller, more romantic, venue.

It was an amazing night that I will remember for the rest of my life. It was filled with brilliant live performances, the best concert I’ve ever been too.

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